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Superclasses in Homeopathy
Review of Dr. Rajan Sankaran’s book

When I look at the list of all the books of Rajan Sankaran, I wonder what it feels like, to be a student and wanting to gain insight into the Sensation Method and further developments: overwhelmed, curious; expanding one's own limits, consolidating knowledge, a desire for breakthrough and discovery, make an attack on the challenge, to name just a few of the options when delving into the realm of sensations.

The good news is that the latest book is a well-made synopsis of all developments, a consolidation of all the insights from the rich experience of decades of work and a clear guide how to apply it in practice.

In the book, the idea of Superclasses is introduced as part of the evolution of the Sensation Method. The classification corresponds to the classification of Dicotyledons into 6 subclasses. Rajan Sankaran has presented the characteristics of these Subclasses in seminars over the past few years. What's new is the discovery that other plants, minerals, animals, nosodes and neurotransmitters can also be assigned to the 6 classes, thus creating the Superclasses.

The superclasses differ in dynamics; they represent the dynamic response to a specific perception, sensation or experience. For example,
the dynamic response of the 6th superclass is violence or „fight or flight“. We are implying that the perception or sensation is one that would elicit this response. A perception of threat, terror, danger, or violence. In the 4th superclass, we say the dynamic response is to find a position of stability. The perception is that the position is unstable, disturbed, or changeable.

The superclasses can assist us distinguish across various remedy groups and make sense of their fundamental ideas. We can take the 3rd row of the Periodic table as an illustration. In this row, we can see the elements Natrum, Magnesium, Alumina, Silica, Phosphorus, Sulphur, and Chlorine. The primary theme in this series is the need for nourishment, love, and care. Love and care come with their own restrictions. One gets constrained. The freedom of choice is curbed. This feeling of restriction or limitation aligns with the dynamic of the 3rd Superclass.
Lac humanum also belongs to this superclass, as well as birds.

The dynamic of the first superclass is one of withdrawal. To stay inside while keeping herself shut off. Whatever she does, entertainment or addiction or even meditation and spirituality, is done to cut herself off from the world.

The desire to experience what is outside this cocoon starts in the second Superclass. But the fear of going outside endures. They open a window to the outdoors while still inside the protective zone.
In the face of threat, they can quickly close such a window.

There is a sense of restriction in both, the 3rd and the 5th Superclass. While in the 3rd, the restriction also offers safety, the fifth superclass experiences the restriction as stifling, the interior is dangerous, it is stifling and constricted. The dynamic is a one-way push to go out and leave the place.

The fourth superclass has some similarities to the third, but there is a sense of stability rather than limitation.

What makes the fifth Superclass different? The fifth needs to leave immediately. There is no way back. There is too much internal pressure. This is how Carbon (2nd Superclass) and Nitrates (5th Superclass) differ from each other. Carbon continues to long for the security of the interior while assessing the state of the outer world. But there is too much pressure on the Nitrogen and Oxygen. There is only one way out of here.

The sixth Superclass is one of extremes. While the 5th Superclass perceives threat, the 6th Superclass is already in the battle. While the 5th Superclass is gearing up for action, the sixth Superclass is already in the midst of it. They can demonstrate extreme terror and extreme courage in the midst of danger.

The idea of Superclasses has quickly become a valuable guide for me. Along with the case taking techniques also described in the book, I feel much more confident in determining the superclass, identifying kingdom and miasm and finetuning the remedy with rubrics and Materia Medica.

Also very helpful is the new Schema 2.0, a summary with tables and essences of the sensation method including the newest approaches.

Italicized sentences are taken from the book:

Superclasses in Homeopathy, Rajan Sankaran

Schema 2.0, Rajan Sankaran

Author of review: Stefan Sterchi